Children at Corinda State School have the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of sports.
Interschool Sports
Teams from years 5 - 6 compete in baseball, softball, basketball, AFL, netball and soccer against local schools on Friday afternoon. Students compete in athletics, swimming and cross country and may advance to district, regional or state representation.
Cool Sports
Begins in year 4 and is an alternative program for students not participating in interschool sport. It involves modified games and sports. The aim of this program is to promote fitness, improve skill levels and encourage a positive attitude to exercise and sport.
Intra-school Sports
Children compete in three houses.
Blue in colour
Gold in colour
Red in colour
Sports house competitions are held in athletics, swimming and cross country. House shirts are not compulsory but are available for purchase from the uniform shop. Currently all students are invited to wear their house shirts on a Thursday.
Swimming is a part of the school curriculum, with classes attending lessons at Dunlop Park Swimming Pool in term 4. Information is sent home at the start of each season. Dunlop Park Pool is adjacent to the school. A swimming carnival is held in term for year 4-6 students.