Developing Assessment Literate Learners is a priority at Corinda State School. This prepares students for an ever changing and developing world. We want our students to be well quipped; to have the tool sets, skill sets and mindsets to be able to question, create, adapt, meet and cope mentally with the changing and challenging demands they may face in the future.
In order for students to become assessment literate learners, teachers make learning visible to them, by modelling and demonstrating what is required to be successful with a task or meet an achievement standard. The tools are a variety of metacognitive and cognitive strategies that assist and propel student learning, especially when faced with challenge. Thinking Routines, self-talk, problem solving strategies and graphic organisers are used in classrooms to promote this.
Characteristics of Assessment Literate Learners
- Know where they're going
- Have the tools for the journey
- Monitor their progress
- Recognise when they are ready for what's next
- Know what to do next
How are we going?
Teachers and leaders regularly check-in to see how students are going by asking:
- What are you learning? What is your goal?
- Why are you learning it?
- How are you going with that?
- What is your next step?
- Where can you go for help if you need it?
Our Inquiry Placemat guides our learning into and our next steps.
- Posing a challenging problem or question
- Creating an authentic purpose or audience
- Incorporating student voice and choice
- Supporting students to pose questions
- Using Thinking Routines to support and propel learning
- Using 'Hooks' or artefacts to engage learners
- Linking questions to the Australian Curriculum
- Time for reflection, critique and debate